WHILE DONALD TRUMP was mid-speech discussing tax reform in North Dakota he thought it was appropriate to bring up the fact that his 35-year-old daughter calls him ‘daddy’.
He then implied that the 35-year-old senior White House advisor asked to come to North Dakota with him like a child.
Trump welcomed his own daughter to the stage as a very special guest, telling the crowd that if he’s responsible for her then he can’t be a bad guy.
Come on up, honey. She’s so good. She wanted to make the trip. She said ‘Dad, can I go with you?’, she actually said ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’ I like that, right? ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’ I said yes you can.
Meanwhile, as Ivanka walks to the stage, she appears to be a bit uncomfortable.
If the video won’t play, it’s probably a sign from God. But if you really, really want to see this… You can watch it here.
A lot of Twitter users are having an extremely visceral reaction to the clip.